For the  Academic Year 2024/25, CreaPRIMARY – a bilingual primary school – announces extra admissions for Year 1-4 classes. Following international traditions, CreaPRIMARY requires its students to wear a school uniform every day, on special occasions and a PE uniform when a student has PE.



For the school year 2024/25 we have 7 classes at CreaPRIMARY: 1.a | 1.b | 2.a | 2.b | 3.a | 4.a | 4.b
Our classes are small, with a maximum of 24 students.

Dates for admission for the 2024/25 school year: 23rd August 2024.

What to expect in the admission:

This is consisting of a face – to – face informal conversation with the parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are to bring their child(ren) to the school. The child(ren) will be assessed during this time in a stress free environment and in a relaxed manner. The assessment will last 30 minutes in total and will consist of assessing the creativity, gross/fine motor skills, coordination and language skills in Hungarian and English of your child(ren). 

The admission procedure is conducted by Esther Vadon (head of PRIMARY) and Bea Rácz (head of the Hungarian section).


You can join our school by applying for admission with our Admission Form. After registration, CREASCOLA will issue an online invoice.     

Please apply online here:


Within 2 weeks after the assessment, parents will receive a short written report of the decision regarding  the conditional acceptance of their child(ren), and we will also  provide brief information about their child’s (children’s) performance during the assessment.

Pupils who are applying for a Y2 – Y4 seat; please, provide the last semester report.

First day in CreaPRIMARY: 2nd September